GroundWork – Sustainable Re-integration Program
GroundWork is the name of our intensive re-integration case management program that aims to reduce re-offending rates for some of our most vulnerable citizens. Our program uses a person-centred approach to offender rehabilitation with an emphasis on human agency by using a relationship-based perspective to maximise interaction and learn individualised best service delivery. We focus on developing participant’s capabilities and strengths, in line with their interests, abilities and aspirations and encourage their capacity for self-determination.
The program name GroundWork represents the foundational work done by our participants to re-establish their place in society and feeling of belonging, while laying the groundwork for growth
Our GroundWork program starts with providing support prior to release from either prison or rehab. This support not only works with the men or women on orders, but it also includes working with family, prominent community members and local services which assists in creating a lasting life changing model, so that each participant will be able to enter back into the community life ready, into a changed lifestyle circumstance and not back into the same “space” that they were in when they committed their jailable offence(s)